Week 5: My nieces visited and had a little puppy therapy.
A lot has transpired in the last 2 weeks. We have finally transitioned the pups out of our living room and into their own living arrangement in the kennels. This allows them to exercise our fenced area as well as explore. Development is coming along quickly and personalities are really starting to shine. They love human interaction and run to meet us as we enter. I think all the pups are pretty equal in aspects of development. I don't think there is one that is superior to another....they are all good! We took them to the vet this week for their first set of shots. All the boys weighed between 7 and 7.5 pounds and our one little girl weighed just under 6 pounds. All healthy and without issue. They also received their microchips and will be tattooed hopefully next week. Week 5: My nieces visited and had a little puppy therapy. Week 6: Exploring the outdoors and road trip to the vet.
Random puppy pictures... I can't distinguish from the pictures who is who. We will take more pictures of the individual pups this week.
Pups are now eating "mushed" food on a regular basis. We have been taking them outside and getting them acclimated to their surroundings. Personalities are starting to shine! Lots of wrestling, biting, barking, yipping, and yelping. This next month, I am sure, will go fast! Here is some more individual pictures. We will start with Penn OakRidge: Next up is Primus OakRidge: Peaches OakRidge: Phantom OakRidge: I hope to post the rest of the pups in the next couple of days. We still have a couple of pups left to place. If interested, please contact me!
Eyes and ears are now open and the personalities are starting to come out. My Kimberly along with my kids enjoy the daily interaction. We are now starting to supplement them with puppy food and the weaning process is just around the corner. We still have pups available. Please contact me if interested!
![]() Hello!! This is Kimberly, Dave's wife (better half as he calls me). Dave and I are holding one of the redscheck pups. I believe his name will be: Phantom. The pups are growing so quickly. We are in week #2 and eye's are opening and they are really scooting around. I believe the ears will open in the next couple of days to a week and they will start to really respond. I can't wait to see the "personality" of each of the pups come out and how they will each express themselves as individuals......exciting times are coming to our house!!!! Everyday is a new day of discovery! Born on May 28th, 2011. Dahlia had 6 males and 1 female. We have 4 brown, 1 brown scheck, and 2 Red scheck (1 male and 1 female). Pups are still available and you can get details if you visit my Breedings page (link is at the top). Here are pictures! Please visit weekly as I hope to post as the pups grow in the coming weeks.
It was a long trip... 20+ hours down and back. UGH! I don't think I will take another trip like that for a while. The outcome was excellent though! Findus and his 2010 prodigy did very well. Dhardyg vom Boulder Brook or "Rolf" is a 13 month old male owned by Aaron Kensler. Rolf scored 128 out of a possible 134 and earned the only Prize I of the test. Roth's conformation was rated very good. Here is some pictures of Aaron and Roth: As for Findus and I: Due to the conditions, it was not conducive to run the EP test. The area was every arid and we were unable to perform aspects of the EP test such as the blood track. We (the DWNA) was given an exception by the VDW and ran the older dogs in the JP Prufung as well. They were excluded from Prizes but were given scores. It was better than the alternative of just packing up and going home without any prufung done. Findus did well. He scored a 112 out of 134 and would have recieved a Prize II had he been under the age of 18 months. Findus's conformation was rated as very good. Here is Findus and I in action: Overall, it was an excellent trip which allowed me to develop some great relationships as well as some awesome memories. I "forced" my two boys, Hunter and Trevor to go... They were reluctant, but, after going they really enjoyed themselves as well. Aaron carpooled with me and made the trip very interesting for about 16-17 hours each way. Here is some more highlights of the trip: Here is a couple of pictures of Aaron and myself with our dogs and our German VDW Judge: Jürgen Briechle.
Over the weekend, I visited the annual "black powder" show and purchased a couple of tanned rabbit hides. I spent the evening cutting, rolling the hides, and wrapping with twine to keep the hide on the dummies. This afternoon, I took Findus out, dosed the fur covered dummy, and set my son off on a "drag". The first two that Findus did were to perfection. I think he gets bored easy...the last two, he accomplished them but needed some prompting. It was amazing to see him work. I am excited to his progress in the coming weeks!
On a second note, Dahlia seems to attracting more "attention" as of late. I anticipate her coming into season fairly soon. This should be an exciting litter as there is much speculation on colors. I expect some red and red/white pups available. Please contact me if interested as I am now taking deposits. Dave It's been a long... The challenges of a new job, family, and school have kept me VERY busy throughout the summer and fall. I can now say that school is finished as of December 2010. I graduated from Michigan State University with my Bachelors in Nursing. I did get out for some limited time during the fall and the DWNA had a Meet and Greet. My only bird hunting for the year was 2 days in Wisconsin. Here some pictures of what we did:
Training is still happening! It seems that I am either eating, sleeping, doing homework/school work, or working. I definitely have some long days! Dahlia gets a 15 minute to 30 minute workout almost every night. Obedience still remains the focus and we are progressing quite well. She knows sit, stay, down, heel, and here. I am now incorporating the whistle into training and hope to have her responding very quickly. This past weekend, I went with a friend to train with some of his buddies. They run Springers and train for field trials. My goal is to continue working with them so that I can begin honing my own skills and improving them. By fall, I hope to have 2 great field dogs!
Dave Dyer
When time permits, I would like to share my dog training and hunting experiences with you all! Archives
December 2012